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At first glance the sugar bread Beach, this beautiful, quiet, clean…

It is good thing to put more attention and see that there are cigarette butts everywhere… and if you begin to gather and figurehead you daras accounts that are thousands… I fill a liter bottle and a full half more the small bottle, more half… just pail within a radius of 200 m square… you can imagine how many cigarette butts more they should have by all the beautiful beach…

because we must get dirty?… because we must transform that nature us is offering his wonder all the time without asking us anything?? ….

Debemso be beings more aware, more active, less destroyers… more friendly with the ecosystem

then let the drum hanging for the next people who come and visit this place become aware

When pass back someday vere if he has served…



Picture of Andrés Pérez

Andrés Pérez

Soy Andres Perez Ramirez hijo de el Maestro Director de Teatro Don Andrés Pérez Araya y Rosa Ramirez Rios, de Chile, más bien conocidos por su bella obra “La Negra Ester” A la muerte de mi padre, se crea el proyecto Instancias Mágicas como homenaje a su vida y obra.